Home Boxing News CompuBox Stats: Zab Judah TKO-3 Jose Armando Santa Cruz

CompuBox Stats: Zab Judah TKO-3 Jose Armando Santa Cruz


Judah dressed Santa Cruz with the jab, throwing 136 in less than three rounds. Judah was selective with his power shots, landing 26 of 44 (59%), including an explosive left uppercut that dropped Santa Cruz.

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Total Punches Landed / Thrown


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Judah 15/70 14/66 10/44              
21% 21% 23%              
Santa cruz 4/27 7/31 4/23              
15% 23% 17%              

Jabs Landed / Thrown


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Judah 10/55 2/50 1/31              
18% 4% 3%              
Santa cruz 0/7 0/9 0/4              
0% 0% 0%              

Power Punches Landed / Thrown


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Judah 5/15 12/16 9/13              
33% 75% 69%              
Santa cruz 4/20 7/22 4/19              
20% 32% 21%              

Final PunchStat Report

                                                                       Punches  Landed / Thrown


Total Punches Jabs Power Punches
Judah 39 / 180 13 / 136 26 / 44
22% 10% 59%
Santa cruz 15 / 81 0 / 20 15 / 61
19% 0% 25%

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