Home Boxing News The Willie Pep Boxing Classic – Open Media Workout

The Willie Pep Boxing Classic – Open Media Workout

WHAT: “The Willie Pep Boxing Classic” Open Media Workout

(Media & Public Welcome)

WHERE: The Lions Den Connecticut

1385 Newfield St.

Middletown, CT 06457

WHEN: Wednesday, April 6, 2011 – 2:00-4:00 PM/ET

WHO: 2:00 PM – DANNY AGUINO (5-1, 1 KO), Meriden, CT

2:15 PM – DOUG CARTELLI (1-0), Middletown, CT

2:30 PM – WILLIE PICARD (Pro Debut), Middletown, CT

2:45 PM – TONY GRANO (17-2-1, 13 KOs), Hebron, CT

3:15 PM – JAVIER FLORES (5-0, 5 KOs), Aquadillas, Puerto Rico

3:30 PM – LUIS ROSA (5-0, 4 KOs), New Haven, CT

3:45 PM – JOSEPH “Chip” PEREZ (5-0, 2 KOs), E. Hartford, CT

WHY: To promote “The Willie Pep Boxing Classic” on Saturday, April 9, 2011, presented by Hard Hittin’ Promotions, at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford. The main event is an eight-round heavyweight bout between Hebron favorite Tony “TNT” Grano and “Diamond” Dominque Alexander (20-101, 10 KOs).

Tickets are priced at $100.00 (ringside), $80.00 (preferred seating), $60.00 (reserved) and $40.00 (general admission) and are available to purchase by calling 860.402.4838 or The Lions Den at 860.613.2394.

Willie Pep: Born Gugloermo Papaleo in 1922 in Middletown, CT. He was a 2-time world champion who retired in 1966 after a 26 year professional career with an amazing 229-11-1 (65 KOs) record. In 1990, Pep was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame in Canastota, New York. He died November 23, 2006 at the age of 84.

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