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Welcome to Ringnews24

Welcome to www.Ringnews24.com

We aim to give our readers a boxing experience that they will enjoy. Whether publishing their own articles, laying back and enjoying other fans’ writing or taking part in our exclusive interviews with their boxing heroes, we believe we offer opportunities that many many sites don’t have. Ringnews24 is a website run by fans for the fans, and we promise to help our readers get closer to the sport they love – the “sweet science.”

Example of our Promise and Commitment to our readers

Ringnews24 contacted David Lemieux Promotions to set up a interview , which they thankfully agreed to. We then set up a topic on our forum to allow fans the opportunity to take part in the interview. Ringnews24 then discovered a member was from Montreal and after chatting to Lemieux Promotions and the member, he then took our questions to Lemieuxs’ gym to have them answered. An opportunity of a lifetime and a memory that the Ringnews reader will never forget.

How to publish your articles on Ringnews24

We want to give our readers the opportunity to write for RingNews24, you don’t have to have any experience or qualifications all we ask some is some enthusiasm and plenty of ideas. How to submit an article: Online Form, Email

Ringnews24 Forum

As well as www.ringnews24.com we also have a Ringnews24 Boxing Forum which can be found Here. Writers can also submit there work there for approval before it goes on the Front Page of Ringnews24. Members of the Forum also have the opportunity to take part in our Ringnews exclusive interviews. Don’t Miss Out – Join Today!

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