Home Boxing News Ring 8 Notebook – Farhood and McCallany guest speakers Tuesday in NY

Ring 8 Notebook – Farhood and McCallany guest speakers Tuesday in NY

Farhood and McCallany guest speakers Tuesday in NY

NEW YORK, NY (May 13, 2011) – Award-winning boxing writer and television announcer, Steve Farhood, and “Light’s Out” star Holt McCallany will be special speakers at Tuesday night’s (May 17), starting at 7 PM/ET) for RING 8’s monthly meeting at the historic Waterfront Crabhouse in Long Island City.

In addition, additional 2011 New York Golden Gloves Tournament finalists who were unable to attend last month’s RING 8 meeting will be in attendance as honorary RING 8 members throughout this year.

Farhood, a popular boxing analyst and historian, was the Boxing Writers of America’s 2002 Sam Taub Award winner for excellence in broadcast journalism. He was editor-in-chief for The Ring and KO Magazine and today serves as a ringside color commentator for Showtime’s “ShoBox: The New Generation.”

McCallany was the star of “Light’s Out,” which aired on FX network, in which he played a former heavyweight champion making a comeback. Holt also played Teddy Atlas, ironically, a RING 8 special speaker earlier this year, in the HBO movie, “Tyson.”

“We’re delighted to have two heavyweights of their respective industries speaking at this month’s meeting,” RING 8 president Bob Duffy said. “I’ve known Steve for many, many years and there isn’t a more knowledgeable or respected person in boxing. At this year’s Golden Gloves Tournament, I saw the way Holt interacted with boxing fans, especially young people. He’s not just an actor portraying a boxer; he’s a big-time supporter of our sport.”

RING 8 Honorary Member Bill Gallo Died

All RING 8 members sent their condolences to the family of recently departed Bill Gallo, the longtime New York Daily News sportswriter/cartoonist who passed away due to complications from pneumonia at the age of 88. Gallo was an honorary member of RING 8 for his support of boxing and the organization’s scholarship fund is named in his honor. Duffy and the RING 8 board members, on behalf of the organization, eulogized Bill at the wake and RING 8 did a final 10 count.

Boxing Under The Stars, June 9

RING 8, along with the New York Police, will sponsor “Boxing Under The Stars,” June 9 outdoors at the Plattduetsche Park Restaurant in Franklon Square, New York. Members of the New York City Boxing Team, comprised of policemen and corrections officers, will participate in amateur matches against representatives of the Los Angeles Police Department. Several amateur standouts will also be in action.

Ticket, priced at only $30.00 for ringside VIP and $20.00 for general admission, are available to purchase by calling Lt. Dave Seiv (646.377.0846.

The evening will also include live music and cigar smoking. Doors open at 6:30 PM/ET, first bout scheduled for 7 PM/ET. In case of inclement weather the event will still be held but indoors. Proceeds will benefit the New York Police Boxing Team, Cops ‘n Kids, Dr. Teddy Atlas Foundation and RING 8.

Formed in 1954 by an ex-prizefighter, Jack Grebelsky, RING 8 became the eighth subsidiary of what was then known as the National Veteran Boxers Association — hence, RING “8” — and today the organization’s motto still remains: Boxers Helping Boxers.

RING 8 is fully committed to supporting the less fortunate people in the boxing community that may require assistance in terms of paying rent, medical expenses, or whatever justifiable need.

Go on line to www.Ring8ny.com for more information about RING 8, the largest group of its kind in the United States with more than 350 members. Annual membership dues is only $25.00 and each member is entitled to a buffet dinner at RING 8 monthly meetings, the third Tuesday of every month, excluding July and August.

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