Home Boxing News Prospect Jordan Smith talks to Ringnews24 before making his debut tomorrow at...

Prospect Jordan Smith talks to Ringnews24 before making his debut tomorrow at the Camden Centre

Ringnews24.com: At what age did you start boxing and what inspired you to become a fighter?

I was 14 and I got told I was too violent at school so they sent me to a club called Millennium Martial Arts in Ipswich but it’s now closed down. It helped to calm me down a lot.

Ringnews24.com: What was your amateur record and did you win anything as an amateur boxer?

No, I didn’t do any amateur boxing but I won the English, British and Nationals in kick-boxing. Switched to kick-boxing because I couldn’t find opponents in boxing. I never quit the boxing but I did kick-boxing just to keep fighting.

Ringnews24.com: What side of your game have you worked on the most since turning pro professional?

My strength and I attribute that to my S&C coach, Chris Kemp. He also worked with Darren Barker.

Ringnews24.com: Aside from boxing, do you have any hobbies or interests that you pursue?

Just relaxing really, watching movies and going out with mates.

Ringnews24.com: Do you have any short or long-term goals within the sport and if so, have you set yourself a timescale on reaching them?

Not got any really, just want to get used to the pro’s first, have my settling in period, get my body right and then see what happens. I’ve gone from 5ft 10″ to 5ft 11″ recently so I’m still growing. I don’t want to put too much pressure on staying at this weight and would like to think I can move up the weight classes. I’ve always had confidence in my weight and strength by sparring middleweights and heavier opponents al the time.

Ringnews24.com: Is it tough to go full-time? Do you have to be more flexible to make a living from the sport?

It’s hard because you have to try and earn around your training. Other fighters can train at any time so you have to agree with your trainers when you can spar with them and basically work around their schedule. It’s so hard to find flyweight and featherweight sparring partners so when you get the chance to spar someone your own weight, you have to drop everything to do it. I started work at 4am this morning and finish at 4pm, then later I’ve got to go for run to keep fitness up and then I fight the next day. I’ve had to pay out so much money for equipment and medicals and scans it’s really hard at this stage of my career.

Ringnews24.com: Who is your current trainer and were do you train?

Training with Ali Forbes at the Peacock Gym in London.

Ringnews24.com: Who has been the biggest influence in your career so far?

There’s been so many inspirational boxers so far such as Bradley Skeete, Ovill McKenzie; being around them sort of people is inspiring and I can’t believe I’m there with them in the same gym. Romeo is in the gym with me and watching his pad work is brilliant stuff.

Ringnews24.com: Who did you look up to growing up as a boxer – who was your idol?

Boxing heroes growing up was Muhammad Ali and Henry Cooper.

Ringnews24.com: Who would you like to fight in the near future?

No one just yet. Whoever my manager gives me.

Ringnews24.com: What is going on with your boxing career now – can you tell readers when, where and against whom you will be fighting next?

Brett Video is the opponent this Friday at Camden Centre, Kings Cross. I’ve heard he’s 5ft 2″ with 13 fights and 11 losses and 2 wins from somewhere in England.

Ringnews24.com: Do you have a message for the fans?

Keep on supporting me, thanks for the tickets you’ve all bought. I’ve worked so hard and I’ll show you that on the night.

Interview Credit: Tim Rickson


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