The Edinburgh Sheriff Court announced that Scott Harrison would be extradited to Spain to serve a four-year prison sentence for assault charges dating back to May 2007.
However, Scott and his lawyer’s have appealed that decision and are currently waiting a date for the court case. caught up with Scott and he had the following to say:
“There are a lot of ins and outs of the case. I can’t talk too much about the actual case because I have still to go up in front of the High Court – whenever it may be – come my appeal. There are a lot of points of law that the Sheriff should have… the case should have been thrown out. For some reason he never gave an explanation why, so I will be appearing at the High Court this year.”
Currently on bail pending appeal to the High Court, Scott spoke about his chances:
“There is a big chance of getting this over turned because… I hope it will be overturned. We have a very good case. I will leave it up to my advocate and my lawyer – so it is up to them. But, I have a very good chance, I have a very good case.”
Glasgow Phoenix Boxing Club started a petition to help Scott get the extradition proceedings halted.
A very proud Harrison added:
“I have a petition and a lot of people are involved – it will be sent to the Scottish Parliament so I am optimistic.
“I haven’t checked it for a few days but it seems to be taken off – I don’t know how many is there – maybe 1500? It’s good that the boxing world and a lot of people from British boxing have signed the petition. It makes you feel proud that you haven’t been forgotten.”
Readers who want to sign the petition to support Scott Harrison can do so at
To read’s full interview with Scott Harrison – Please Click Here