The Ringside Boxing Show is hosted by Dennis Taylor, with expert analysts Travis Hartman, Rizwaan Zahid, John J. Raspanti and historian Christopher James Shelton. The show first aired in 2008 and has grown from strength to strength with an impressive list of guests.
Hall of Fame boxing analyst Al Bernstein will be Sunday’s featured guest on The Ringside Boxing Show to discuss Showtime’s highly anticipated Dec. 5 collision between rival Brooklynites Daniel Jacobs and Peter Quillin at Barclays Arena, boxing’s P4P sweepstakes, and multiple other topics.
The Ringside Boxing Show can be heard live, anywhere in the world, at, every Sunday in the U.S. at 4 p.m. Pacific, 5 Mountain, 6 Central, and 7 Eastern, and beginning at midnight in the UK.
Visit for worldwide times, and download the free “Tunein” app to listen on your smart phone.
Tune in this Sunday for your latest boxing fix.
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