The Steve Goodwin promoted Fright Night came at us from York Hall on Saturday 29th October and promised to deliver a night of excitement, title defences and tournament progression. All the action below…..
Jimmy Cooper vs Balaz Bajkai, 4 x 3 minute rounds, Lightweight
Undefeated Cooper makes his fourth professional appearance as the Hampshire lightweight looks to build on his victory over Joe Beeden earlier in October. Cooper’s fans provide the noise on the balcony as he makes his way to the ring, but Cooper has to return backstage to correct a wardrobe issue. Cooper is straight out the bricks with the stiffest of jabs, followed by two that go through Bajkai’s guard and Bajkai’s is down straight away in the first ten seconds! The referee gives him a count and calls them together, but Cooper is straight into him with a strong left hook to the body and follows up with a barrage that leaves Balkai floored and shaking his head as referee Lee Evilry stops the fight 27 seconds into round one.
Abraham Horner vs Stanislav Nenkov, 6 x 3 minute rounds, Super Welterweight
A tough ask for Horner as he takes on experienced Nenkov in only his fourth fight as he comes out with Trainer Adam Booth, accompanied by heavyweight Richard Towers. Horner looks in prime condition here, comes out with a low stance, head nicely lowered from attacks. Nenkov lands a nice straight right as Horner switches to southpaw, his hands constantly on the move, but reluctant to step into range and follow up on his jabs. A lot of Horner’s energy seems to be put into the winding of his gloves, keeping Nenkov guessing at all times.
In the second, Horner continues the fancy hand movements but doesn’t seem to carry anything behind it. His punch output is too low, Nenkov is showing every sign of a man who is in there to see the rounds out but Horner is failing to capitalise. The Horner jab isn’t carrying any huge power and Nenkov is defending well on the rare occasion Horner does step in. In the third Nenkov shows a bit more ambition, landing a nice left hook but Horner ducks low – very low in fact. Horner is still switching orthodox to southpaw at will, but doesn’t seem to carry the power from either stance to be making an early night of this.
A nice counter right by Horner at the start of the fourth, but again you would like to see him step in behind it. Instead he again allows Nenkov to come out. Horner spins him well into the corner, Nenkov looks disorientated as Horner steps in with a nice combination but once again, is happy to let his man out and has to chase him down again. This is frustrating to watch, as Horner is clearly the classier operator of the two and could be doing so much more. Former throws some nice flurries as the fifth starts but again, the power isn’t there to overly bother Nenkov. Horner gets a ticking off from the referee for his head being to low on his advances, by now he is having things all his own way as Nenkov sees content to see the rounds out. The two have a rare exchange as the bell tolls the end of the fifth. The sixth is much of the same, Horner having it his way but failing to put his foot down and try to end the action early. Nenkov brought the final round to life, piling some nice pressure on Horner and landing some clean shots, including one that saw Horner’s gum shield come from his mouth and end up at ringside. Too little too late though. At best, you could describe the performance as frustrating from Horner. At times Nenkov was there to be hit but he failed to capitalise.
Referee Lee Cook scores the fight 60-55 to Horner.
Chris Davies vs Tamas Danko, 4 x 3 minute rounds, Light Heavyweight
Danko comes into the fight following a rare win over Liam Conroy back in September, Davies looking to build on the two wins in his career to date. Davies works well off his stiff jab through the opening round, Danko only looking for the big right hand over the top. Davies looks to throw the jab, straight right combination at every chance, Danko eventually figures the route of attack and covers well through the end of the round. A nice jab, right hand, right uppercut from Davies opens the second round as Davies is then happy to take to the back foot and encourage Danko into range. Each time he does, Davies against lets his hands go with the jab, straight right to push him back, A solid right body hook from Davies connects but Danko absorbs well. Davies finishes the round stalking Danko around the ring but unable to stop him from escaping each time. A couple of nice right hands over the Danko guard put an exclamation mark on the round for Davies who ends it with Danko stumbling into the ropes.
Davies takes centre ring from the off in the third, waiting patiently for opening as Danko starts to tighten the guard. Again the right hook to the body finds a home as Davies dominates the proceedings. Danko gets pinned to the ropes as Davies again lands to the body and this time follows up with a clean uppercut that leaves Danko holding on. Danko is looking like he’s had enough now as he gets in the retreat. Davies again dominates the fourth, making Danko work hard for his money here. Danko looks uncomfortable each time the Davies jab lands, again Davies goes for the right to the body that Danko can’t defend but Davies is unable to take advantage of the openings that it is creating, he could be throwing the combinations as the guard comes down.
The relentless workrate of Davies was the factor here, Danko was work out by the third round and Davies could fire off at will. Referee Lee Cook scores it 40-36 to Davies.
Billy Joe Graham vs Edward French, 4 x 3 minute rounds, Middleweight
Two debuts here, both looking to make an impression in their first bout. Graham gets met with a nice ovation from the crowd. Graham starts from the centre of the ring, French circles the outside and is hard to catch. Graham works from a low left hand stance, looking relaxed. French is stiffer, hands up as he circles. French is making the occasional step in, but Graham ties him up well when he does. Graham slows his work rate to end a round of little action.
In the second the two trade well on the ropes, Graham getting the better of the exchanges. French though is landing a few of his own as Graham leaves himself open while doing his own work. French lands a nice left hook when rolling under a Graham right hand, Graham takes it well. The two blend well at times, Graham though always has the air of a fighter in control of the rounds. French loses his gum shield early into the third, as they come back together Graham looks to step up the aggression with a nice uppercut. The French gumshield again hits the canvas, the lad looks shattered I n there but still manages another left hook counter.
Graham is the fresher coming into the final round, French starts it with the guard up around his ears to cover up. Graham is throwing in bursts now, choosing wisely when to try and pin down the elusive French. The two look content to see the fight through to the final bell, Graham in no rush to push down his superiority and French not wishing to let his hands go.
The referee Lee Cook scored the fight 40-36 to Graham.
Linus Udofia vs Teodor Lozannov, 4 x 3 minute rounds, Middleweight
Udofia takes on his toughest test to date, looking to continue the promising start to his undefeated career. Udofia as always looking in tip-top condition with trainer Terry Steward in his corner. A wide stance from Udofia as he starts by bringing the fight to Lazannov. Some sharp jabs land well, but in return he take s a jab and backhand from Lozannov. A great counter right from Udofia lands over the top, but Lazoannov looks to push Udofia into the corner. Udofia covers well and works his way out, still landing the jab at will.
Udofia works a nice left hook, right hand combination before displaying his trade mark slickness in defence, evading the Lozannov attacks. A nice lead right from Udofia in the home corner but he takes a right uppercut as the round ends. A double jab right hand from Udofia opens the third before a straight right as he looks to sharpen up his attacks. He does eat the odd left hand himself. As he backs himself into the away corner, Udofia covers well and counters the right uppercut. As the round is closing a beautiful left hook to the body lands from Udofia and Lozannov visibly curls up, Udofia smells blood and steps in to repeat the shot. Lozannov retreats quickly and the bell rings.
The final round, a huge lead right from Udofia and Lozanov is troubled. Udofia steps in, landing at will and a huge right uppercut makes the referee take a close look. He allows Lozannov to carry on but it delays the inevitable, a big left hook and a big right hand finish this fight early.
Referee Lee Evelry stopped the fight at one minute 49 seconds of the fourth round.
Adam Dingsdale vs Michael Mooney, 6 x 3 minute rounds, Lightweight
Former Southern Area champion and European challenger Dingsdale looks to continue his rebuilding against the tough Mooney, a man only stopped three times in 19 defeats.
Dingsdale open well with the jab, displaying the classier work from the off. The awkward Mooney keeps him guessing through a slow first round. A nice counter left from Dingsdale is an early highlight to the second round, Mooney though lands a nice lead right, Dingsdale seems to be frustrated as he pushes Mooney across the ring, A stiff jab follows it up as Mooney smiles back. The second ends with the two exchanging in the away corner.
A clean right counter uppercut from Dingsdale at the start of the third as again his classier work outshines Mooney. It continues through the round, Mooney always a step behind the work of Dingsdale. A double left hook, head and body, from Dingsdale open the fourth round. A nice counter left uppercut as he steps out of range is well executed too as Dingsdale momentarily switches southpaw. Dingsdale starts to drop his guard, encouraging Mooney to start the offence, but Mooney doesn’t oblige and the round comes to a close.
A solid left to the body by Dingsdale opens the fifth and he keeps using the sharp jab to keep Mooney at distance. A swinging left Dingsdale hook misses the mark, his obvious class isn’t be put to use enough here. A warm embrace between the two as the sixth round starts, a reminder of the class of boxing. Mooney gets his most success of the fight, a solid jab and a straight right landing but Dinhsdale isn’t bothered. coming back with his own uppercuts. The two take a tumble into the ropes before Dingsdale gets back to working his jab and the fight draws out to a stale end.
The referee Lee Cook Scores the booth 60-54 in favour of Dingsdale.
Jordan Dennis vs Joszef Takacs, 4 x 3 minute rounds, Middleweight
There has been a lot of hype around youngster Dennis as he makes his professional bow tonight. A nice greeting from the home crowd as he makes his way to the ring.
Dennis looks sharp, eager and quick out of the blocks. Straight away the pressure is put on, a right hand landing cleanly through the Takacs guard. Dennis is patient, but stalks his man across the ring. He starts to target the body, finding a home for his left hand n the Takacs torso every time he throws it. A stiff jab to the body takes the air out of Takacs’ tyres and Dennis looks like he’s enjoying himself in there. From a clinch Dennis lands a solid uppercut, Takacs returns with a rare moment of success on the ropes but the round ends as it started, with Dennis firmly in control and landing at will.
The second round, Dennis doesn’t take his foot off the pedal as he dominates from the start. A left hand does land from Takacs but it isn’t enough to put off the aggressive Dennis. Takacs starts to get wild as he swings in over hands, an overly exuberant one sees him go over the top of Dennis and land on the canvas in a semi-rugby tackle. A clean uppercut from Dennis throws back the head of Takacs, Dennis patiently pivots before finding an angle to follow up with the left. Dennis then powers through a right hand and is thoroughly dominant on his debut.
Dennis lands a clean left hook to start the third round to the temple, causing Takacs to land on the canvas. He gets up on shaky legs, Dennis sees the ending. In he steps and again the big left hook to the body finds its home. Unfortunately for Takacs, the home is his ribs and he stumbles into the ropes where Dennis bundles on the pressure and the referee wisely jumps in the middle of the two to wave the bout off. Dennis looked impressive here on his debut, heavy handed and patient.
Referee Lee Cook stops the fight at 41 Seconds of the third round.
Rakeem Noble vs Kay Prospere, 10 x 3 minute rounds, Super Lightweight
Making the first defence of his Southern Area title, Noble is facing the much feared Prospere in a true 50/50 battle that sees Prospere taking his first tilt at a belt.
Prospere looks the bigger of the two men as Noble starts the fight in the centre of the ring. Some tidy defence from Prospere keeps him out the way of Noble’s jab. A nice straight right from Prospered lands but Noble takes it wellA left hook in the corner from Prospere but Noble escapes and Prospere chases. Prospere backs himself to the corner where Noble throws but lands on gloves. Good first round from Prospere.
Noble comes out the aggressor in the second, taking Prospere to the ropes. It’s hard to tell what lands cleanly as the Prospere guard is tight and he looks to counter. Prospere continues to keep his tight defence and allow noble to come in, Noble has the better workrate but his power doesn’t seem to bother Prospere. A better round for Noble as his workrate was the more impressive. Noble again opens up the busier fighter in the third, he’s relentless around the ring. Prospere again seems content to cover and take the shots, but he counters out of a corner with a right uppercut that sends Noble backwards. Kay follows him but Noble is able to find a way out. A lead right from Prospere but he loses his footing and Noble follows him in as the crowd liven up. The two go back across the ring and exchange nicely on the ropes.
Prospere p[es the thud as the aggressor, loading up on left hooks. He takes Noble to the ropes and works him over before stepping back and jabbing his way back in nicely. A straight left, right on the ropes from Noble connect and another right as Prospere spins out and retreats. He then goes back on the offensive but it isn’t long before Noble has him in the corner again. The Noble gumshield is sent flying and we get a seconds break. Noble ends the fourth round again throwing in huge volumes.
The pace doesn’t slow in the fifth, Noble is a swarm of a boxer, constantly in Prospere’s face. A nice left hook from Noble lands on Prospere’s chin but he takes it well. Both fighters seem to neglect the jab by this points, Noble walking into the attack zone on every occasion while Prospere makes his entrance with the left hook. The fight becomes a bit scrapper, the pace taking its toll on both men.
The sixth is again ferociously paced, Prospere backs himself to the ropes once again and looks for those counter shots. The busier work is undoubtedly from Noble, the cleaner work from Prospere. When the fight is at distance Prospere has the skills to out box Noble, but Noble is so awkward in closing that space. Noble pins his man in the corner and unloads multiple shots, Prospere unable to find the footwork to get out until he ties his man up.
The pace is slower at the start of the seventh but both men have shown tremendous fitness so far. Neither has seemingly had the power to put the other off their own work. Prospere lands a nice right to the body on the ropes but is happy again to go back to the ropes. The two start to tie up more, the pace taking its toll. The Prospere guard isn’t as tight as Noble gets success to the body and a nice combination to the head. Prospere looks the more tired of the two in there.
A nice counter left hook from Prospere in the eighth, he’s happy then to guard up on the ropes and let Noble do his work. Prospere is showing a slicker defence now than previous rounds but still Noble comes forward. A nice lead right from Prospere but Noble is able to get inside and work on the ropes again. Prospere is slow to rise for the ninth but when he’s up he looks to start quickly. Clean work out of southpaw but again it is swallowed up by the non-stop Noble work. It is hard to gauge the number of shots landing from Noble as he throws so many but it is clear the workrate has taken the energy of Prospere who looks to hold on the ropes and isn’t allowed to do his cleaner work. The round ends with the two looking tired.
The two men comes together to start the last round. A lead right from Prospere starts the round. For me Prospere need a KO to win this. In a familiar state, Noble has Prospere in the corner and works him over. Prospere has success in his corner, pinning Noble and landing multiple shots to the body, buy Noble is able to work his way out and lands a lead right on the break. The bell sounds as the two are again in a bustling exchange.
The two men worked their hearts out tonight. Noble is relentless in attack, Prospere weathered the storms and landed his own clean work in exchanges.
The referee Lee Cook scored the bout 98-93 in favour of the champion Rakeem Noble.
Karl Wheeler vs Ossie Jervier, 10 x 3 minute rounds, Cruiserweight
The semi final to determine who gets a chance to fight for the Fight Cup trophy, prize money and become mandatory for the Southern Area title as veteran Wheeler looks to handle up and coming Jervier.
Neither men commit early, respectful of the power each carries. An exchange of jabs from both in centre ring, they realise both can hurt one another. On the rare occasion they do come together it seems Jervieer is perhaps the stronger puncher but Wheeler the more skilled technician. A lunging right in the second from Wheeler is avoided as Jervier spins him to the corner. Wheeler gets out without too much punishment, Jervier catches him in the corner and looks to land heavy hands on Wheeler as the more experienced Wheeler escapes again.
The two blend well in the third, Jervier working the body of Wheeler but Wheeler firing back to the head. A nice left by Wheeler as he moves Jervier across the ring. Jervier looks to get Wheeler in trouble, huge body shots in the corner and Wheeler holds on. Jervier steps back and then comes back in to allow Wheeler across the ring, throwing damaging lefts and rights as Wheeler hits the canvas to end the round as the ref counts.
Jervier shows patience to start the fourth, not rushing in. To look for a finish. It doesn’t take long for the two to exchange bombs though, each finding huge shots off the ropes. A huge uppercut from Jervier sends Wheeler to the canvas, up on a seven count. Jervier again shows patience, not rushing in he allows space for Wheeler to come forward. Wheeler walks into the Jervier attack again but this time is able to get his own shots off in return as the bell rings.
Every time Jervier lets his hands go Wheeler is troubled, but Wheeler lands a huge right hand that sends Jervier to the canvas. Unbelievable stuff! Jervier is shaky as he roses as Wheeler looks to step up his aggression. A huge left hook from Wheeler sends Jervier back but he himself lands a huge left on Wheeler. Both men are looking out on their feet in an all action war that could end on any punch.
Jervier doesn’t look to have fully recovered at the start of the sixth but soon regathering his senses and the two start to exchange again. Huge swings and misses at times, a big left hook from Wheeler, then another and Jervier takes them well. A big right uppercut from Jervier. This is an unbelievable fight. A beautiful left hook from Wheeler followed by a straight left, these two men have thrown everything at one another.
A triple jab from Jervier starts the third, a rate clean piece of boxing in what has turned into an absolute war. Lead uppercut from Wheeler, Jervier is upset by something that Wheeler has done and remonstrated with the referee to no result. More big swinging action from both men to end the round but no success for either.
A big left hook from Wheeler is returned by a straight Jervier right in the eighth. Good double left hook from Wheeler, body and head and he follows Jervier across the ring. Jervier does his own work but Wheeler is covering nicely to absorb on the ropes. Big left hook from Wheeler at the start of the ninth and the two stand and exchange mid-ring. Jervier pins Wheeler to the ropes but is unable to land clean shots. Wheeler escapes and retreats but is caught again by Wheeler on the opposite ropes. The two exchange huge left hooks that both do well to withstand in the middle of the ring. A big right from Wheeler ends a good exchange at the end of the round and both show impressive stamina for big lads.
The crowd ramp up a notch for the final round, Jervier still having his heavy hands and Wheeler is smiling back at him. A big right overhand from Wheeler is evaded by Jervier who throws a solid counter, Wheeler takes it well again. Jervier is ending well, a left to the body and a nice lead uppercut. the two have shown tremendous engines to keep going to the final bell.
In a fight neither man deserve to lose, the referee Lee Cook scored the bout 94-93 to the winner Karl Wheeler who progresses to the final of the cup. Wheeler breaks down in tears on the canvas in celebration.
Martin Theobald covered the action from ringside. Check-out his website: NewAgeBoxing