Home Boxing News Zeuge ready for rematch with De Carolis later this year

Zeuge ready for rematch with De Carolis later this year

Photo Credit: Sebastian Heger

Tyron Zeuge (18-0-1, 10 KOs) will not have to wait long for a second shot at World glory following his majority draw with WBA World Champion Giovanni De Carolis (24-6-1, 12 KOs) on Saturday night at the Max-Schmeling-Halle in Berlin.

The German super middleweight injured his left shoulder in the sixth-round of their World Championship clash, but thankfully, the injury has been diagnosed as just a minor muscle tear, which will not require surgery, and following a short break, the 24 year-old will be ready for a rematch with De Carolis later this year.

‘’We are all very relieved that the injury is not as serious as we had first expected,’’ said Managing Director of Sauerland Event, Frederick Ness. ‘’There is no joint damage and no need for an operation. Tyron will just need to rest his shoulder for a few weeks before he is able to resume his usual training regime.’’

Zeuge, who impressed critics with his brave performance on Saturday night, has put his summer plans on hold as he focuses all his efforts on a return bout with the Italian Champion. ‘’Instead of a summer vacation, I’m now looking forward to getting back in the gym as soon as possible,’’ he said. ‘’I will leave nothing to chance and will make sure I’m in top shape for the rematch with Giovanni.’’

Coach Juergen Braehmer is optimistic that his protégé can claim the WBA World title at the second time of asking. ‘’I was impressed by Tyron’s performance on Saturday night,’’ he said. ‘’He implemented our game plan well and showed great promise. We will now continue on this path and return even stronger.’’

Following their fight, De Carolis welcomed a rematch with the Berlin boxer. ‘’That was a great fight,’’ he said. ‘’And I am ready for the rematch.’’ With promoter Kalle Sauerland adding: ‘’That fight was a great advertisement for boxing and I expect the second fight to be even better.’’