Home Boxing News Young Griffo

Young Griffo


Nebraska State Journal
28August 1928

It Made Them Mad

Unpopular Decision In the McAuliffe – Griffo Mill
American lightweight given the Fight
Though Beaten On points

Hot Slugging From Start


Seldom has a limited round contest attracted such a widespread interest as that of tonight at the Seaside athletic club between Jack McAuliffe and Alfred Griffiths, better known as “Young Griffo,” the former the lightweight champion of America and the latter the featherweight champion of Australia. Both men are far beyond the weight limit of their respective classes, but this cut no figure tonight, as the men fought at catch weights and the contest was decided on its merits.

The sporting fraternity turned out in a most liberal manner. In addition to the star event of the night the rest of the program was very entertaining. The arena and the building was comfortably filled an hour before the time set for the mill to commence.

The most prominent sporting men in the city and vicinity occupied seats in the private boxes surrounding the stage. The racetrack men were there in full force, as McAuliffe is a great favorite with them. The first of the minor boxing contests of the evening was between Connie Sullivan of New York and John Madden of Brooklyn. It was a six round bout at 105 pounds, all of which were in favor of Madden and he was declared the winner.

There was a slight stir when Al O’Brien of Philadelphia and Charles Burns of Cincinnati came upon the stage to prepare for the second bout of the evening. During the first three rounds the men fought like bulldogs. Burns did not make the least attempt at science. In the fourth round Burns knocked O’Brien down, but was rushed to the ropes and badly punished by the Philadelphian. Burns fell to the floor just as the bell rang and was carried to his corner by his seconds They worked vigorously to revive him, but he was practically knocked out and his seconds throw up the sponge.

The Event of the Night.

A short space of time elapsed between the ending of the O’Brien-Burns contest and the commencement of the star event of the evening between Jack McAuliffe and Young Griffo. McAuliffe came upon the stage at 10:15 and was greeted with a storm of applause. His training story was borne out by his seconds having a bottle of champagne in his corner. McAuliffe when stripped looked fully twenty pounds the heavier man. Griffo was only a minute behind McAuliffe in entering the ring.

Round one — Both men appeared in the ring with nothing on but blue trunks.McAuliffe led off and planted his left on Griffo’s face. Griffo retaliated, smashing Jack on the jaw. Mac led and was cleverly stopped and Griffo swung his right on Jack’s wind. Griffo won the applause of the house by his clever ducking and countering. Jack led and landed a wicked left on Griffo’s wind and got a smash on the jaw in return for it, the vast crowd yelling, when the gong sounded.

Round two — McAuliffe led with the left, but the blow was cleverly ducked. McAuliffe rushed and landed a hard right-hander on the body and got a stiff left on the neck. Griffo was much more clever than McAuliffe had expected to find him and his blows were returned with equally good effect. Jack did the bulk of the leading, but Griffo would counter on him every time and honors were pretty evenly divided. In fact, it was seen that McAuliffe had met his equal in every respect, if not his superior.

Round third — Griffo landed a terrific left on Jack’s right eye and closed it as tight as a drum. Jack did not seem to be able to find Griffo’s head, at which he was continually making play, Griffo, on the contrary, landed when and where he pleased. He hammered with right and left and soon had McAuliffe’s nose bleeding. Every time Jack led he was met by Griffo and he appeared as though he wished it was all over. The round ended in Griffo’s favor.

Fourth round — McAuliffe led, but fell short and landed on Griffo’s arm. The Australian forced the fighting and landed two left-handed blows in rapid succession on McAuliffe’s face, sending him over against the ropes, which he was obliged to grasp to keep from falling.

Round five — Jack led with his left, but Griffo ducked and swung an ugly uppercut on Jack’s jaw. They clinched and in a rally he landed right and left on Jack’s jaw in rapid succession.

Round six — McAuliffe rushed Griffo and landed his left, with but little effect. Griffo drove his right into McAuliffe’s ribs with telling effect and smashed him on the mouth with the left. Once McAuliffe tried his rushing tactics, but the blows he delivered seemed to have but little or no effect.

Seventh round — Griffo feinted and landed his left on Jack’s wind and a moment later landed right and left on Jack’s face. Jack rushed and was met by a straight left from Griffo. Griffo smashed Jack on the jaw several times and it looked like all day for him.

Round eight – McAuliffe tried to rally in this round, but he was farming his face out as a punching bag for the Australian. There was scarcely a mark on Griffo, while Jack looked decidedly the worse for wear.

Round nine — The round opened with a rush. Jack sent a corking hot one on Griffo’s jaw. It was hammer and tongs all over the ring. Griffo began to hug to avoid punishment. Jack made play for his wind, but he had waited too long, he appeared to have gained some of his old time form and went at Griffo savagely.

Round ten — The crowd began to leave the building before this began. McAuliffe opened hostilities by planting his right on Griffo’s stomach. The fighting in this round was of the fiercest nature, but desperate an McAuliffe was he could not regain his lost laurels. Pandemonium reigned when the announcement was made that the referee had decided McAulitfe the winner. They hissed and groaned until the building fairly trembled and all hands yelled “Griffo.” When McAuliffe left the stage they hissed and groaned at him all the way back to his dressing room and yelled “Robber, robber.” It was unquestionably the most barefaced decision that has ever been given at a boxing contest in this vicinity.

The entire assemblage was highly indignant, and the police had to come to the front and clear the room. Griffo made a speech from the stage and said he would fight McAuliffe to a finish at any time he desired to fight. The crowd hung around the outside of the building yelling “Griffo.”

It was his fight beyond a doubt.




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