Home Boxing News Peter Quillin chats with Ringnews24 ahead of his April 29th clash with...

Peter Quillin chats with Ringnews24 ahead of his April 29th clash with Jesse Brinkley

Peter Quillin was born on June 22, 1983 in Chicago. He is a US-American middleweight boxer who is touted as a good prospect due to his spectacular power. In April 2010, Quillin moved from New York City to Los Angeles to train with 4-time trainer of the year Freddie Roach.

Professional Record

won 23 (KO 17)

lost 0

drawn 0

KO% 73.91

Last Fight: Dennis Sharpe, Won tko 4

Follow Peters’s Progress

MySpace – thekidchocolate



Official Website – http://www.thekidchocolate.com

Presents an Interview with Professional boxer Peter Quillin

Hi Peter, on behalf of RingNews24.com and our readers, thank you for taking the time to talk to us. As well as our own, we have included questions provided by fans on the RingNews Forum.

We hope our readers enjoy the interview


Ringnews24.com: How did you get into boxing and what age did you start going to the gym?

Peter Quillin: A friend of mine named Keyonne started boxing and he brought me in the gym and I liked it. That was age of 15,  but I couldn’t afford it. Months later after my mom realized how much I loved boxing she gave me a catalog and told me to pick out some equipment.  The rest was history…

Ringnews24.com: Who has been the biggest influence in your career so far ?

Peter Quillin: God, Floyd Mayweather,  My family, My best friends Christian, Antoine, Lemech, and Johnny have been my biggest supporters…

Ringnews24.com: What was your amateur record and did you win anything as an amateur boxer?

Peter Quillin: I had around 15 fights, I won a ring side national tournament in 2002 and my last amateur fight was in 2004.

Ringnews24.com: Do you miss fighting as an amateur?

Peter Quillin: No. Pro is more of a challenge and has motived me to be a better fighter. If i started boxing younger I could have been a better amateur fighter.

Ringnews24.com: How did you find the step up from amateur to professional boxer?

Peter Quillin: The biggest difference between an amateur and a pro fighter is I can take more time preparing for a fight and its more dangerous because you fight without head gear.

Ringnews24.com: How have you prepared for the Brinkley fight, given it’s probably your biggest fight to date?

Peter Quillin: Boxing is a full time job to me, I moved to LA to train.  I have better sparring partners and environment that gives me better preparation.  I  know I’m ready for this fight.

Ringnews24.com: Have you done anything differently, or are you just going to keep doing what you’re doing?

Peter Quillin: I’m going to keep doing the same thing I have been doing all along, work hard.  I have new conditioning trainer, Brad Bose, we are working to increase my punch output and power.

Ringnews24.com: You’ve come through a couple of tough moments in fights… Who has been your toughest opponent to date?

Peter Quillin: Miranda

Ringnews24.com: What do you think of Bute, Ward, Froch and the other top guys in your division?

Peter Quillin: Bute is a good fighter, well conditioned and consistent through the rounds. Ward has shown spectacular skills and advancement in his career as a pro boxer and Froch is the confident fighter that you love to hate.  I’m still eyeing the middleweight division though, god bless them.

Ringnews24.com: Who do you rate most highly, and do you fancy your chances against these guys or do you feel you need a few more fights under your belt yet?

Peter Quillin: As a super middleweight I see Ward, Bute, and Froch all as highly rated fighters. But I’m eyeing the middleweight division, it’s so much talent and action there. I will take a fight at anywhere between 160-165 pounds.

Ringnews24.com: Peter, I was lucky enough to get to see you fight in Fairfield, Ca. last month and saw you tossing out Tootsie Rolls to the audience (in keeping with the Kid Chocolate) How long have you been doing that and who came up with the idea?

Peter Quillin: At first it was a joke but I really did it in my 1st pro fight and people  fell in love with it. I throw chocolate candies not  tootsie rolls but it doesn’t sound like a bad idea! lol

Ringnews24.com: Is it sometimes frustrating to turn on HBO and see an Andy Lee fighting there while your still undefeated (and just as well regarded, If not more so, by insiders) and you can’t get an opportunity like that?

Peter Quillin: Well, I’m a dangerous fighter, period.  A lot of these guys are lucky to have certain people repping them but I’ll get my shot soon maybe it’ll be against an Andy Lee… I’m patient enough and my time is soon.

Ringnews24.com: There’s been an influx of Cuban fighters into the game recently, do you ever hear any talk about your being a second generation as opposed  To those who just got over here?

Peter Quillin: Well, I give all them guys props for making it out of Cuba it’s a really deprived place and I love to see people able to provide for their families.  I don’t speak much Spanish which I’m working on, but in my heart I’m a 100% Cuban. I love my culture and what Cubans stand for.

Ringnews24.com: How difficult was it to stay focused during the year 2009 when circumstances kept you out of the Ring?

Peter Quillin: It gave me a clear head and ended up giving me what I really wanted out of my career, I’m more serious more than ever.

Ringnews24.com: Being an undefeated fighter but not being able to ploy your craft must Have been extremely frustrating, how did you stay positive?

Peter Quillin: God gives grace to humble people so I know my time is going to come,  I’m more prepared now than I ever have been.

Ringnews24.com: You’ve been training with Freddie Roach for about a year now, what’s Been the biggest difference that change has had?

Peter Quillin: Freddy has offered me so much and has given me the confidence to become a world champion.  He provides so much, from my hand being wrapped to sparring, cant forget about mitts and all around fighter stuff.

Ringnews24.com: When Golden Boy signed you, it was supposedly in conjunction with them doing shows in New York on a semi-regular basis and using you as the common headliner there. Since signing with them, you have fought zero times in New York and now your next fight has you traveling to Reno, Jesse Brinkley’s backyard, even though you are the fighter Golden Boy is trying to move. Do you have a concern that they are not properly building up your fanbase at home and you will end up similar to an Andre Berto who has loads of talent but can’t sell tickets?

Peter Quillin: I think Golden Boy is a good fit for me, they understand my potential and since signing with them I am fighting as the main event on Telefutura two fights in a row now.  I love New York and cant wait to get back in the ring there but my Latino fans are just as important to me.  Fighting on Telefutura gives me a great opportunity to connect with my people.  I know Golden Boy has big plans for me and I am going to stay humble and consistant.  I think I’m ready to fight Jesse, fighting him in Reno will just make it a better show.



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