Home Boxing News MORALES WON: In the Heart of Millions

MORALES WON: In the Heart of Millions

MORALES WON: In the Heart of Millions


Heart is what millions of people saw in the action-filled battle between Eric Morales and Marcos Maidana.

The fight seemed unfair. Morales was virtually one-eyed from round two fighting a heavily favored opponent from Argentina with two sharp eyes all throughout the brawl. What an unbelievable odd for the Mexican legend.

But the judges failed to see such “reality” to consider in determining the true winner for it didn’t sit well with them what heroic efforts and heart it would take for one to exhibit under such condition to continue fighting and fighting well to the final closing seconds of the last round.

In contrast to Oscar De La Hoya who still had both eyes intact in round nine when he fought Manny Pacquiao, Morales didn’t quit in his stool.

Far more than the suspense and excitement brought about by the unceasing fierce exchange of power shots, exceptional endurance and skillful display of boxing abilities coming from both warriors through every minute of each round up to the last bell to end the bout, but never to end the beating of the great big heart in a boxing hero named El Terrible.

Morales’ fighting spirit overshadowed everything else in that Action Heroes boxing event.

He might have lost in the judges’ scorecards in a closely contested matchup but to many he is the “declared” champion, owing to his having a heart of a tiger who engaged in a non-stop war against a roaring lion who was about to devour an underrated “old pussy cat” from the opening bell.

El terrible clearly won the hearts and admiration of millions who are “lucky” enough to have witnessed the fight and are exceedingly blessed to have been inspired to walk on water, cross Jordan Rivers, pass through Red Seas, go through furnace and climb up rocky Mt. Golgotha. Simply to tell us all: Nothing is impossible!

If Eric Morales’ heart didn’t lift your spirit that day, what else will?


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