Home Boxing News Mike Lee: An opportunity

Mike Lee: An opportunity

While there exists many business opportunities for a finance major, his desire of becoming a light heavyweight champion draws him into the ring.  Mike Lee is many things: a Chicagoan, Notre Dame College graduate, a Subway model,  and “oh yeah” he’s a boxer.  He wants to put all that aside and be known in the fight game.  Mike Lee looks to strengthen his identity as a pugilist when he squares off with Paul Gonslaves (7-3).  This fight will be the opening act of the  triple-header on Friday Night Fights at the UIC pavilion.

Mike Lee (12-0) was taught by the world renown trainer Ronnie Shields.  The relationship broke on cordial terms as Mike Lee attempted to heal various injuries.  Now healthy and  trained by Chris Byrd, a former heavyweight champion who used his intelligence and movement against the heavies, looks to transfer his knowledge to the young professional.

Mike Lee who is noticeably white if you didn’t know, has high potential to market himself.   Coming from Chicago with an Irish-Notre Dame background could land this young man millions but, there’s one big question. Can this kid fight?  Does he have the goods?  He doesn’t have the usual Cinderella storyline.  How hard will this kid go? How hard will he work?  If he faces resistance, will he just opt out and head to Wall Street?

These are some of the story-lines heading into fight.  So far it is evident, that there is a strong will and determination.  His resume perhaps dwarfs many journalists but he is seeking a higher glory.  Mike Lee can improve on his life story and boxing credentials with back to back knockouts, July 25, on Friday Night Fights.  Come witness!  Is it the beginning of a great boxing story or a great conversation piece for a savvy businessman?