Home Boxing News Joe Gallagher – Ask The Star

Joe Gallagher – Ask The Star


aAsked by: bricktop

Hi Joe, question about Jon Murray, do you see him sticking as a career lightweight or are you looking to progress upto light welter. Also what chance do we have of seeing Khan step in with Jon in you opinion?

Hi thanks for the question, John Murray is a lightweight and still growing, he makes the weight easily enough apart from the Lawton blip. He is not a fighter who puts stones on in weight, the most he has ever been away from the gym is 10st 11, so he is a natural lightweight. We would not rule out moving up to light welter if an opportunity arose that was too good to turn down. Amir is doing his thing and we are doing ours. If it happens great, if not, no big deal. We are paddling our own canoe and want to become a World lightweight champion.

Asked by: davieboy

Hi Joe, how difficult do you feel the progression is from the amateur to the pro game. What are the main differences in the way you would train a pro from the way you would train an amateur?

It depends on there amateur background, if like Joe Murray you have been sparring pros for years as a amateur you would have learnt a awful lot. I remember Tony Jeffries coming to my gym after winning his Bronze medal in the Olympics and telling me he had never ever sparred a pro boxer or been in a pro gym. Yet Joe had sparred Broadie, Foster, Frankie Gavin had sparred Alex Arthur before worlds in 2007.
Not saying sparring pros as an amateur is the right thing for everyone but on international circuit Americans are more pro styled and some would say the Cubans now are. Its finding the right balance and when in competition being able to adapt and apply.


Asked by: the_budweiser

Thanks for setting this up Lee, and thanks Joe for agreeing to answer some questions, Joe what is the best boxing moment you experienced in your career so far?

Be easy to say the stand out ones as in Murray v Meage , Macklin v Elcock, Joe Murray Olympics & World Bronze medal.
But Steve Foster Jnr’s first ABA title win in 2000 against the favourite Martin Power. We were down 12 or 13 points after 2 rounds but stuck to the game plan then after next round pulled it back to within 1 point. We went on to win the contest.

John Murray’s first American fight in Tampa on the Robin Reid v Jeff Lacy undercard was a great well composed performance, the arena was packed and the Americans loved him.

Joe Calzaghe asking for friend request on Facebook. lol

Asked by: mofo

alright Joe…

Who do you consider to be the best trainer in the game at this present time?

and have you adopted any training practices from any of the legends of the sport who may have been an inspiration?

Its hard to say who is the best trainer as different fighters gel with different trainers. Each trainer has there own style sometimes it fits with some fighters, others it won’t. Freddie Roach is flavour of the month at the moment, not long ago it was Dan Birmingham, Billy Graham, Enzo Calzaghe, Buddy McGirt. I know the USA coaches are good talkers. lol

Everytime I met the likes of Emmanuel Steward, Birmingham, Roach, McGirt and Mayweather I always used to ask them a few questions and pick their brains, and also try and watch them at work. Pick up things as I went along, somethings you use others you don’t it’s what the fighters feel happy with and what gets results. I had a fantastic couple of teachers in Jimmy Egan and Phil Martin. 

Asked by: mofo

How strict are you with discipline for a fighter on the run up to a big fight…are you regimented in what your routines are for each individual or do you play it by ear each day so to speak… as i’m thinking about burnout with overtraining before a fight or perhaps peaking to early if you get my drift…noticing the signs! 

Hi its horses for courses you cannot treat all fighters the same, some respond to different things some need and respond to a bollocking others respond better to TLC. In all sports that old culture is changing, Alex Ferguson could not talk to today’s players the way he could 25 years ago, its very carrott and not stick nowadays. As far as over training there are tools to use out there that can help you, but ususally leading up to fight its play it by ear, less is sometimes better then more.

Asked by: the_budweiser

What did you think the outcome was going to be before the Macklin v Asikainen? I thought it was going to be a tough night with Mackin winning a UD, was really surprised with the KO in round 1. Do many outside boxers come into your gym to spar with your fighters? 

We had trained for a tough fight and had excellent sparring with Alex Sipos who had gone 12 rounds with Asikinen. Mathew’s power is awesome, he is a tremendous puncher and if he hits anyone clean he has a great chance of finishing the fight. His balance is miles better now and he is not loading up, he is relaxed with his punches and just letting them flow.

Yeah we have fighters from all over UK & Europe come to the gym sparring.

Asked by: mofo

How did you see the Haye fight at the weekend, would you have been happy to see one of your’ lads go to the cards in Germany…do you think he had done enough?

I thought Haye fought a smart fight. He got his conditioning and tactics right, and carried out a game plan. It was not a great fight but all that mattered was winning the belt, I thought Valuev may have pressured him more and took risks.