Home Boxing News Pyatt: Prizefighter is perfect for Jahmaine Smyle

Pyatt: Prizefighter is perfect for Jahmaine Smyle

Pyatt: Prizefighter is perfect for Jahmaine Smyle

Former World champ backs his charge for Liverpool glory after DeGale sparring


Former World Middleweight champion Chris Pyatt believes Jahmaine Smyle has the perfect style to claim Prizefighter trophy at Liverpool Olympia on March 23.


Smyle lines up in the 17th edition of Matchroom Sport’s eight-man, one-night tournaments in Merseyside live on Sky Sports and his trainer Pyatt says his fighter is a danger-man in the draw, which will be revealed on Ringside on Thursday night from 6pm on Sky Sports 1.


Pyatt won the WBO Middleweight belt in May 1993 with unanimous decision against Sumbu Kalambay in Leicester and defended the title twice before Steve Collins wrestled it from him in May 1994.

Smyle hands over experience to the likes of Liverpool pair Robin Reid and Carl Dilks who line-up in their home town but Pyatt says his fighter is in great condition a week to go to, having sparred with James DeGale last week.


“He’s done some really good training so far and done some great sparring all over the place,” said Pyatt. “He sparred with DeGale last week down in London and did seven good rounds with him – James was impressed with Jahmaine which says a lot. We’re right on track for next Wednesday and we can’t wait to get stuck in.”


Smyle, 24, has just five fights to his name, with three wins, a draw and a defeat at the hands of fellow Prizefighter Wayne Reed. But with an excellent amateur background behind him – 15 wins from 16 bouts – Pyatt says Smyle has no fear and just the right mix of technique and courage needed to excel in Prizefighter.


“It’s only over three rounds and Jahmaine is a strong kid so it suits him to get into a fight,” said Pyatt. “Anyone who wants to win Prizefighter has to be prepared to get into a fight; otherwise you are not going to get through. It’s a fantastic competition and it’s not been a long time since Jahmaine was an amateur so that’s to his advantage.


“He’s not been boxing that long so he needs experience of bigger nights like this. But the boy can box and he needs to make sure he fights his kind of fight, not stand off and let his opponents dictate as you have to boss three-rounders from the start.”


Smyle is only too aware of the advantage it is to have someone of Pyatt’s calibre in his corner. The 47 year-old won 47 of his 52 professional fights having won Commonwealth Gold at Welterweight for England at the 1982 Games in Brisbane and Smyle says he has benefited from Pyatt’s experience as her prepares for the biggest night of his career.


“Chris knows what it is like to be a fighter – he’s been right at the top and it’s a real bonus having an ex-boxer as a coach,” said Smyle. “He’s won World, European, Commonwealth and British titles so he knows what it takes to get to the top and he also understands what a boxer is going through in the build up to the fight so it’s a real advantage having him in my corner.”


Tickets for Prizefighter Super Middleweights II at Liverpool Olympia on Wednesday 23 March are available from Matchroom Sport priced £30 unreserved and £100 VIP – to buy call Matchroom Sport on 01277 359900.

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