Home Boxing News David Lemieux : Fast as lightning. Exclusive interview

David Lemieux : Fast as lightning. Exclusive interview

Presents an Interview with professional boxer David Lemieux

Hi David, on behalf of RingNews24.com and our readers, thank you for taking the time to talk to us. As well as our own, we have included questions provided by fans on the RingNews Forum. We hope our readers enjoy the interview


Ringnews24.com: Earlier this week, I went to a gym in Laval to meet boxer David Lemieux. He’s going to fight in a WBC Middleweight title Eliminator, on April 8th against Marco Antonio Rubio.

David Lemieux: He arrived at the gym on time, training bag on shoulder, gently greeted the lady at reception and headed in my direction. Lemieux has not always been a calm man – in his younger days he spent his energy by fighting in the streets. A neighbour who was a boxer brought the young David to the gym. He was nine years old when he first entered the gym, and he liked it.

“I’ve been kicked out of the gym at least thirty times, but I always came back.” said David.

Ringnews24.com: Why did they kick you out, David?

David Lemieux:“Because I was stubborn, it was my way or nothing. I was always polite, but I was listening to nobody. But Russ (Anber), I was listening to him.”

Russ Anber is his trainer, and formed and trained David his way after taking him under his wing. He got to know David in the gym, but they first met briefly through a neighbour.

It was Anber who suggested David wait until his 18th birthday to turn pro, instead of at seventeen as his young charge intended. “He wanted me to wait and get more experience. Anyway with the commission [Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux du Québec], it was problematic.”

“I wanted to turn pro as soon as possible because the amateur boxing style was not for me. In the pros, you don’t have a helmet. it’s riskier than amateurs because anything can go wrong – you’re not allowed to lose anymore.” said David.

Losing hasn’t happened yet for Lemieux, 22 – he’s won all his fights (25-0-0-24 KOs) and hasn’t lost since his amateur days (58-10-6), where he boxed from 11 to 18 years old. He aims to add a 26th victory to his record this Friday (April 8th) at the Bell Center in Montreal against Marco Antonio Rubio (49-5-2-42KO).

Talking about his fight with Rubio, Lemieux has just spent a couple of weeks with Odlanier Solis in the Sierra Nevada mountains in Spain to train at high altitude.

Ringnews24.com: Did you find altitude training a big difference compared with preparing at sea level?

David Lemieux:“I’ll tell you the truth, the best place for me to train is in Miami, because of the heat and the quality of my sparring partners. It’s easier for me to focus on boxing when I’m in Miami”

“My trainer said the big advantage to training at high altitude is the lack of oxygen. You’re getting accustomed to the lack of oxygen, so it’s easier during the fight.”

Ringnews24.com: Do you feel the difference?

David Lemieux:“No, not really. The trainers say that to me, but when I’m training, I’m doing it at 100 percent. Anyway, fights don’t happen in the mountains! I prefer training at sea level, but sea level or not, I give everything I’ve got during camp.”

Ringnews24.com: How does it feel that you can put in months of work for a fight that can last just one or two rounds (eight of his past ten fights lasted two rounds or less)?

David Lemieux:“When I enter the ring, the sooner I’m out of it, the better it is. Sure it’s good to give a show, people would prefer to have more rounds, but if they want more they’ll just have to watch the replay!” he says laughing.

Just one of his fights has gone the distance – a 10-round shutout against Jason Naugler. “I wanted the fight to last longer than usual but wanted to knock him out too. But I’m very satisfied with the performance – I won every round, everything went like we planned except the KO. He is such a tough guy”

Ringnews24.com: I watched your last ten fights and made a list of punches you used to knock down an opponent – back right hand against Camacho and McCreary, left hook against Ayala, Raines and Hernandez, hooks to the body, uppercuts – is it important for you to have a wide range of shots?

David Lemieux:“Absolutely! The more options you’ve got, the more dangerous you are. If your opponent is waiting for this punch, you can catch him with that punch. The good thing with me is I’m strong with both hands. My favourite punch is the left hook because I’m more comfortable with it, but the right hook can do the job too!”

Despite spending his professuional career to date fighting in his native Montreal, Lemieux says he is willing to appear on shows anywhere in the world: “I don’t mind, USA, Europe, I’m ready – anytime, anywhere.”

Lemieux also declares himself ready for anyone: Sebastian Zbik, Julio Ceasar Chavez Jr (both of whom will fight for the middleweight title on June 4th) or ‘emeritus’ middleweight champion Sergio Gabriel Martinez. “No problem, I’m ready.” He considers the option to go up to the super-middleweight division after he cleans up at 160lbs.

Ringnews24.com: Before considering your future, you have to win against Marco Antonio Rubio this Friday – what’s your prediction?

David Lemieux:“Rubio doesn’t reach the 12th round.”

Twenty minutes passed and I was still talking with this pleasant young man who’d like to fight a dream match with none other than Muhammad Ali: “I would go for the KO!” he says confidently.
I thanked him for his time, which is increasingly valuable just a few days before the most important fight of his young career.

Ringnews24.com: Last question: How would you describe yourself in one word?

David Lemieux:“Determined” comes the reply, fast as lightning.

Just like in the ring.

You can follow Lemieux on Twitter @lemieuxboxing, @lemieuxboxpromo, on Facebook at David Lemieux Boxing and on his website www.lemieuxboxing.com


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